Thursday, April 30, 2009

son white in the social

With this article I feel sad at the same time the pride and gratitude.


To date, this situation is developing so fast. Board of WHO world health has been raising swine flu pandemic phase from four to five. According to the WHO's official site, at least nine countries have officially reported 148 cases of swine flu infection due to virus A/H1n1. Government of the United States based on the laboratory reported 91 cases with one death. Mexico reported 26 cases of infection, including seven deaths. Some other countries are reported (no cases of death), among others, Austria (1), Canada (13), Germany (3), Israel (2), New Zealand (3), Spain (4) and the UK (5). Although the WHO recommends that inter-country travel is not restricted, it is suggested that they are sick international travel delay and immediately examined self to the doctor. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in the report authorized states, continuously following the development of health care that occurred in the world by collecting data and information and scientific studies from various sources. According to the Director General Prof. P2PL MOH. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sp.P., MARS, according to International Health Regulation 2005, the WHO's member countries have a focal point which automatically get a report on the development of flu swine disease (swine flu) that occurs in Mexico and many other parts of the world. Although the disease caused by swine flu virus H1N1 has not been found in Indonesia, but the MOH has taken various steps that preparedness does not go to Indonesia and the anticipation penanggulangnnya. Director of Disease Control of Animals brought MOH Director General P2PL dr. Rita Kusriastuti, M.Sc. MOH states has distributed to all health, hospital referral bird flu, Port Health Office, Environmental Health Engineering Center, Dinkes Regency / City and the Province of 3 million Oseltamivir capsule which is basically the same as the drug response to bird flu H5N1. While in the MOH is also still available about 40 thousand doses oseltamivir. MOH also set up 100 hospitals that are able to handle the case of swine flu. Each hospital has a patient isolation room, ventilator, drugs and some other health facilities including APD (Arts Tool Pelndung) for health, clear off. Rita. Simulation of pandemic influenza episenter have also twice performed with the goal to increase the capacity and ability of the government and the community in anticipating when truly pandemic occur. Swine flu symptoms similar to bird flu, including fever, cough cold, sluggish, tired, sore throat, shortness of breath or rapid breath, may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Penularannya way through the air and also through direct contact with patients with the inkubasinya 3 to 5 days, said dr. Rita Therefore, community dihimbau swine flu cautious to keep the behavior of living clean and healthy, the nose and mouth when sneezing, washing hands with soap after beraktivitas, and immediately examined health when experiencing symptoms of flu. For people who have to travel to countries with swine flu, health examined suggested to the nearest health facility, suggestions, dr. Rita.


The Wise word 1


if we try to stop without it there will be a miracle that may be experienced da akan akan going directly

Your way

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Are you sick stomach? According to ancient beliefs, when you do sports at night you will extend the age of 2 times as long.

The best speech forever

Do you diligently go to a place of worship once each some time !!!!!!!! Even if you are really diligent and thou in the comment when I do not remember the words of my mouth

Son White In The Dreams

I want to make the world into peace and no more hostility. With the World feel so beautiful and want to make people want to live forever immortal.

Swine flu coverage

This week, one story has been prominent in our output: . It's a story which has involved our reporters in Mexico, the US, Europe, Scotland and the rest of the UK, plus our medical and science specialists. And it has challenged us to think hard about our public service role on this kind of news story.Essentially, our task is to give you the facts; to tell you what we know, but also explore what isn't known; to give you the best scientific and medical information and to inform but not to alarm. There is a great deal of coverage in all the media which has led to a debate about whether the threat is being overplayed. With any public health story, there's a risk that raising awareness can raise concern. We have sought at every step to report the science soberly and responsibly, with due weight given to the uncertainty of what will happen.

We know that audiences have many questions. For the first couple of days, the comments and questions were coming in thick and fast, though they have now slowed. The majority has been from the UK, but there are considerable numbers from Europe and the US too.

Yesterday, did a phone-in, taking listeners' questions about the outbreak's impact and attempting to answer them using medical and travel experts. Those contacting the network had a range of questions: "My son's an hour and a half from Mexico City - how exposed is he?" "Are anti-viral drugs safe for pregnant women?" "I'm booked to go to Mexico on 30 April; the airline won't let us cancel and get a refund, what are our options?"

To satisfy those members of our audience who've been contacting our programmes and website with questions, we put together . In our current on the subject, many contributors have now said they believe that the government and media are over-reacting. And the World Service global discussion programme - was presented from the rooftop of a hotel in Mexico City yesterday. It asked its audience if the world was over-reacting to swine flu. We heard from many, including Abdullah in Abuja who e-mailed to say that there really was no comparison between swine flu and the kind of diseases many African nations deal with on a daily basis.

There are voices raising important questions about media coverage of this virus. Ben Goldacre - a medical doctor who writes the - says that he's been struck by the number of people contacting him to say "Is swine flu just nonsense?" and that the media is on its reporting of health issues. Simon Jenkins, , has said the media has whipped up a panic in order to posture and spend.

So far, the balance we have been trying to achieve is to report what we know and, critically, what isn't known, using the science available - for instance from the Chief Medical Officer for England, Sir Liam Donaldson and the World Health Organization - as well as what respected scientists are telling us about the possible pattern of this illness. At our editorial meetings, we have been regularly discussing how to get the approach, tone and use of pictures right, and to make sure that we offer our expertise and subject depth via our website.

Interestingly, the signs so far suggest that the public is not panicking - listeners contacting BBC Radio 1's Newsbeat are showing a distinct shift in opinion. Two days ago, they were expressing serious concern, but now - for many - it's receding: "Swine Flu has changed what I'm doing. I yawned at the last radio update. I'd probably not have done that if Swine Flu wasn't mentioned."

This virus - and this story - may fade away, or it may grow. At this point, as our correspondents are saying, we simply don't know. I hope that our reporting in the past few days will help you make sense of what emerges in the next few days, whichever way it develops.

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